Individuals are serviced at Headquarters of Šakiai District Municipality Administration, located at Bažnyčios str. 4, in Šakiai, in single window on the ground floor, full time (without lunch break):
Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
Fridays from 8 a.m. to 3.45 p.m.
On the eve of public holidays, working hours are reduced by one hour.
Individuals who have registered in advance (by phone (8 345) 60750 or in writing (e-mail [email protected]), their requests or complaints are accepted on Tuesdays from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Requests or complaints from individuals are accepted in the state language and in a language other than the state language - English.
Šakiai district municipality is one of five municipalities of Marijampolė county, located in southwestern Lithuania, near the border with the Kaliningrad Region. The municipality is 150 km away from the capital Vilnius and 62 km from Kaunas. In the north, the municipality is separated from Jurbarkas district by Nemunas river, in the west from the Kaliningrad region and Vilkaviškis district by Šešupė river, from Kaunas county by Liekė stream and Rūdšiilis forests. Municipality area - 145 337.02 ha. This is the largest municipality of Marijampolė County. It occupies 32.5 percent. county area and 2.2% all territories of Lithuania. 68 percent of territories - fertile land, 21% - forests, 2% - waters, 2% - roads, and the remaining 7% - Cities, settlements and other areas of use.
Šakiai region has not only large fertile land areas, but also the natural landscape that has survived in many places. From Pavilkijys to Sudargas there are several dozens of streams and ridges, hills and berths drained off the Nemunas coast, forming 5036.5 ha of the Panemuniai Regional Park. It was established in 1992 in order to preserve the unique landscape of the lower reaches of the Nemunas, the lowland of the small rivers, valuable and rare plant communities, natural ecosystems and historical and cultural heritage values. Šakiai is one of the most ecologically cleanest district in Lithuania. The beauty of nature is protected by seven state reserves. Travelers and cultural people are attracted not only by the charming Panemunė but also by the homesteads of the old manor houses in Gelgaudiškis and Ilguva, Kiduliai and Zypliai, the architecture of Griškabūdis and Kudirkos Naumiestis churches, the Vincas Kudirka and Zanavykai region museums, Šventaduobė which is located in Plokščiai and the former Sudargo mound complex and many other state-protected cultural as well as natural treasures that are abundant here: 39 archaeological sites, 2 urbanized areas, 175 places of burial and places of events, 12 complexes of buildings, 1 monument, 100 movable values (e.g. art) and building constructions, 15 municipality protected natural heritage of local significance objects, 2 state protected natural heritage objects, 2 nature monuments. There are 20 Roman Catholic and 2 Evangelical Lutheran religious communities in the district municipality.